At Custos Apium we aim to encourage beecentric beekeeping using
species appropriate beehives whilst promoting the wilding of the honeybee.
We are not commercial beekeepers so we don't adhere to modern beekeeping methods and instead take a holistic approach to beekeeping.
We maintain a healthy respect for the ability of these insects to prosper whilst being unmanaged by us.
Our hives are designed to replicate the natural nesting sites of the honeybee and are not designed for honeybee management practices such as treatments for varroa mites or focussing on honey harvesting.

​We participate in and promote honeybee wilding to increase and sustain local wild living honeybee populations. This ‘genetic backstop’ helps local sustainable honeybee populations build resistance to pathogens via natural selection rather than by artificial and regressive apicultural methods.
Follow us on Facebook for further adventures with bees, news and upcoming events.